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June 30, 2015 - Archived old site and launched new site in its place at

September 14, 2014 - Please help beta test Velia

May 1, 2014 - Drawing

February 27, 2014 - Scarf

Click on the "Download" icon to download Scarf. This game will only work on Windows-based computers. View game play on YouTube.


January 23, 2014. Uploaded Letherium.

December 2, 2013 update. Added new game, Inferno Demo. You need to save it to your computer to play.

MICA the Game

Shuriken Studio
Play MICA the Game
Donald Boose - Game Developer and Programmer
Julianne Ostrander - Game Artist and Designer
Ying Liang - Game Organizer and Scripter
Angie Griffith - Game Artist

Music from
Nugit - Scary Themey
F4ll0ut - Humming Lake
AlxEllls - Where am i
TheHeartgrinder - Backdrop Dark Corne
DivoFST - Weird Feeling
AlxEllls - Descent

August 21, 2013 update. Added new game, ID. You need to save it to your computer to play. Also, updated the award winning game Black Coat


Right click on the link and "Save As" to your computer.


Right click on the link and "Save As" to your computer.

Black Coat

Gold Medalist 2013 Scholastic Art & Writing Award


AMD Game Changer Award Gold Medalist 2013 Scholastic Art & Writing Award

Data World

Data World Game

Xiare's World

This game is based on the imagination of Wei

The Jade Dragon

Story based on Chang'e and HouYi the Archer
if the htm doesn't work, download the powerpoint.

Hitrain's World

This is a work in progress

Disc Pong

This game is based on the movie Tron.

Guardians of Sunshine

This game is based on the series "Adventure Time"

The Foretelling

This game is based on the book "The Foretelling"

Traditional Artwork

Traditional Artwork